
vegan thai lentil curry

Vegan Thai Red Curry Lentils

(image credit) When it comes to curry, the combinations are endless!  This particular combination of red lentils and spicy red curry is delicious and simple to prepare.  Though small in...

Vegan Thai Red Curry Lentils

(image credit) When it comes to curry, the combinations are endless!  This particular combination of red lentils and spicy red curry is delicious and simple to prepare.  Though small in...

quinoa asparagus spinach salad

Quinoa & Asparagus Warm Salad

image credit Cook / Prep time: 40 minutes Serving/s: 4 Ingredients: 750 g green asparagus 200 g brown mushrooms 125 g sugar snap peas 100 g quinoa 300 ml vegetable...

Quinoa & Asparagus Warm Salad

image credit Cook / Prep time: 40 minutes Serving/s: 4 Ingredients: 750 g green asparagus 200 g brown mushrooms 125 g sugar snap peas 100 g quinoa 300 ml vegetable...

quinoa tomato soup

Crispy Quinoa Tomato Soup

Having a healthful, nutrient-laden vegan soup was never so tasty as this Crispy Quinoa Tomato Soup! Enjoy this filling dish minus the guilt. Check the recipe below! (image credit) Cook /...

Crispy Quinoa Tomato Soup

Having a healthful, nutrient-laden vegan soup was never so tasty as this Crispy Quinoa Tomato Soup! Enjoy this filling dish minus the guilt. Check the recipe below! (image credit) Cook /...

quinoa fruit salad

Quinoa Fruit Salad

Quinoa Fruit Salad

quinoa beans sweet potato salad

Quinoa & Sweet Potato Salad with Vinaigrette Dr...

(image credit) Cook / prep time: 35 minutes Serving/s: 4   Ingredients: 300 g sweet potatoes 200 g quinoa 100 g arugula 50 g roasted, salted pistachios 5 tbsps olive...

Quinoa & Sweet Potato Salad with Vinaigrette Dr...

(image credit) Cook / prep time: 35 minutes Serving/s: 4   Ingredients: 300 g sweet potatoes 200 g quinoa 100 g arugula 50 g roasted, salted pistachios 5 tbsps olive...