Mary Michaels

What is something most people don’t know or would be surprised to learn, about you? 

I was not a runner until I turned 30. I got the strength to leave a toxic relationship my gaining self confidence, self assurance and strength (both inner and outer) through running. Now 18 marathons and who knows how many half marathons later, running is a way of life and health and wellness are my top priority.

 What motivates/inspires you?

Other runners of course! Hearing stories of how people’s lives have been changed for the better by introducing a lifestyle of health and wellness is mind blowing!

Tell us more about your nutritional philosophy

Eat clean, perform clean. I stay away from all foods with added chemicals and preservatives. In addition, I steer away from added sugars and get my sugars through natural means. For years I suffered from GI stress and eliminating dairy, gluten and processed foods really helped me feel better and perform better.

Where are the best places to follow you online?

Facebook:  Mary Catherine
Instagram:  @yankee_running_bama