Michael Wilson

What is something most people don’t know or would be surprised to learn, about you? 

I once trained rats to play basketball when I was in high school and I worked at a science center.  I have run 74 marathons and once weighed 270 pounds. I once owned 50 pairs of running shoes.

 What is an accomplishment that makes you proud?

Whenever I accomplish finishing a marathon or ultra. The fact that I finished it no matter what place is to me an accomplishment.Considering that I use to hate running when I was younger. Finishing a race is fantastic for that matter.

 What motivates/inspires you?

The thought of conquering another race. The ability to run so I can get more running shoes.  The goal to get to 100 marathons or ultras.  To be the greatest runner from my hometown. 

 What is your personal mantra?

I am one with the Force and the Force is with Me. It’s from Rogue One and it’s so true.

What person has most shaped your life, why?

Mark E Smith, Bryan Ferry, David Bowie and my running dad Chris Smith.  Music is my passion outside of running. I am unique and different from these individuals.  My running dad as I call him is what shaped me into an ultra marathoner.

How did you get into teaching/training others? 

I pretty much just read a lot of books and guinea pig’d on myself per se.  Also with time came great responsibility.

Where are the best places to follow you online?

Twitter: chasem262

Facebook: Chase Merriman