
sunflower seed and tomato spread

Vegan Sunflower Seed & Tomato Spread

This is a quick and easy healthful spread - with tomatoes and sunflower seeds and other optional ingredients to make it even more nutritious!

Vegan Sunflower Seed & Tomato Spread

This is a quick and easy healthful spread - with tomatoes and sunflower seeds and other optional ingredients to make it even more nutritious!

spirulina mermaid smoothie bowl

Spirulina Mermaid Bowl

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Spirulina Mermaid Bowl

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low carb sunflower seed bread

Low-carb Sunflower Seed Bread

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Low-carb Sunflower Seed Bread

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avocado spirulina dip

Avocado & Spirulina Dip

Avocados are an excellent source of source of potassium, folate, fibre,, and monounsaturated fats, which helps protect against heart disease. This combined with spirulina makes this dip healthful!

Avocado & Spirulina Dip

Avocados are an excellent source of source of potassium, folate, fibre,, and monounsaturated fats, which helps protect against heart disease. This combined with spirulina makes this dip healthful!

blue spirulina smoothie bowl chia seeds

Blue Spirulina Smoothie Bowl

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Blue Spirulina Smoothie Bowl

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tofu and spirulina burger

Tofu and Spirulina Burger Patties

When a vegan burger patty meets a superfood, that means a healthy, guilt-free meal! Meet our Tofu and Spirulina Burger recipe that is good for you.

Tofu and Spirulina Burger Patties

When a vegan burger patty meets a superfood, that means a healthy, guilt-free meal! Meet our Tofu and Spirulina Burger recipe that is good for you.